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Great Reads for Good Food

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Best Foods to Eat if You Are Looking to Boost Your Bone Health

As people retreat indoors during the coldest days of the winter, it is no surprise to learn that vitamin D production is suffering. This vitamin is made when the body is exposed to sunlight. Without this amp...

Wellness: Amazing Tips for Boosting Mentally Fitness in Retirement

One of the main concerns people have about retirement is maintaining wellness. After all, retirement is a time when you are no longer required to go to work and can finally do what you want. This newfound fre...

The Inflated Cost of Proper Nutrition

Most people do perfectly understand that the food they put into their bodies has a direct and immediate impact on their health and how they feel. It's why diet crazes are always able to take off. Despite the statistics in ...

Nutrition and Mental Health: How the Right Foods Can Keep You Happy and Healthy

Did you know that what you eat can directly impact your mood and mental health? Certain foods can help keep you happy and healthy, while others can cause problems like anxiety and depression. ...

SNAP and Nutrition Education: Promoting Healthy Eating Habits

In recent years, there has been an escalating concern about the nutritional quality of food consumed by economically disadvantaged families. Research has revealed that individuals with limited economic means ar...

From Hunger to Hope: Empowering Lives Through Food Stamps Support Programs

In today's society, millions of individuals and families struggle to put food on the table. However, thanks to food stamps support programs, many people facing food insecurity receive vital ...

Understanding Snap Benefits

SNAP, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly referred to as Food Stamps, is a major federal program with the goal of reducing hunger in the United States. As of January, 2016, 45.4 million Americans received SNAP benefits, or ab...

6 Ways You Can Save a Buck On Food

In this day and age, we've all found ourselves wishing we could save a little cash from time to time on food. There are times when a trip to the grocery store can seem like we need to take out a loan first. There are a couple of ways you...

2020 Sees More Health and Wellness Options Than Ever

According to estimates, over half of America's population makes some sort of New Year's resolution in terms of wellness. Quitting smoking, giving up the drinking, and the most popular of all, losing weight and t...