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Great Reads for Good Food

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Heading Out into the Sun? Beware of These Sun Sensitivity Boosters

'Tis the season to go outside and soak up the sun. During the dog days of summer, it is not surprising when more people take advantage of the long days and warm temperatures. While this is usually great fun,...

Is the Pandemic Over? Here is the Latest on the COVID-19 Health Crisis

With a major war raging in Ukraine and all of the dire economic predictions, it is no wonder that news about COVID-19 has fallen out of the headlines. However, it is important to recognize that the world...

May I Take Your Order? (Different Food Assistance Options)

Different Food Assistance Options   .@USDA programs like SNAP, WIC and the National School Lunch Program provide millions with access to healthy, nutritious food every day. pic.twitter.com/b06VlvrNAL &mda...

The Ultimade Guide of Changing Your Life in One Week

There are different ways to change one's life, but nothing beats a life-changing formula that can be put in practice in a matter of days, not weeks and not months. To save you from the urge of finding the ultimate guide to...

Think Coronavirus is Just Like the Flu? You Might Need to Think Again

As protesters continue to take to the streets to speak out against the ongoing economic shutdown measures as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the common arguments is that the coronavirus is compa...

Suffering from Psoriatic Arthritis? Here is What You Can Do for Relief

Psoriatic arthritis is an often debilitating condition that leads to joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. This arthritic condition is most often paired with psoriasis, a skin disease that is characterize...

Need to Use a Public Restroom During the Pandemic? Here is What to Do

As the mobility of the nation continues to increase with more states opening back up for business, the issue of how to safely use public restrooms has been at the forefront of many health dialogues. Altho...

Not Experiencing Vaccine Side Effects? Medical Experts Say Not to Worry

Now that more and more Americans are finally getting the COVID-19 vaccine, one of the hottest topics of conversation in many social circles is to compare side effects from the shot. This comparison inev...

How to Start Eating Healthy: A Step-by-Step Guide

Deciding to start eating healthy can be challenging. Every time you turn around, there's a new fad diet or another food that's bad for you. How do you know where to start? This guide will help make the transition t...