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Great Reads for Good Food

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SNAP Benefits

Millions of individuals in the United States receive benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, also known as SNAP. This program was created to help battle hunger across the Nation. SNAP is overseen by the Food and Nutrition Service who coordi...

President Trump's Guidelines for Virus Prevention

President Trump's Guidelines for Virus Prevention For anyone living in the United States of America with a mailing address, you received today a small leaflet from President Donald Trump, which highlights a variety of g...

Time to Start Wearing a Face Mask? Here is Everything You Need to Know

As many states look to re-open in the coming days, there has been more guidance about the use of face masks as a means to offer protection from COVID-19. It is clear that this global health pandemic is n...

What You Need to Know About COVID-19 Herd Immunity and How We Can Lose It

Herd immunity is a phrase that has been thrown around repeatedly over the last year. But what exactly is herd immunity and why is it considered to be the holy grail of the COVID-19 crisis? Here is wha...

Having Trouble Falling Asleep at the Right Speed? What You Can Do to Help

While some people may think that falling asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow is a sign of good health, heading off to dreamland as soon as you close your eyes is not indicative of good sleep h...

Looking to Avoid the Nefarious Holiday Bloat? Follow These Proven Tips

With the holidays quickly approaching, it is likely that you may be looking forward to eating all of your favorite festive foods. However, with this indulgence often comes the uncomfortable feelings ...

4 Wellness Gift Ideas for the Holidays

The wellness revolution is well underway in this country. It is now a way of life for many people, and they devote great effort to maintaining their health. This encompasses their shopping and their habits. The good news is that when you...

Self-Care Tips to Make it Through the COVID-19 Quarantine

Like nearly every other American, you are probably reading this article from your home since you have been ordered to remain there while the COVID-19 crisis unfolds. Many people could end up mired in a funk or depres...

5 Tips for Your COVID-19 Mental Health

It is every bit as important to take care of mental health as it is to safeguard your physical health while you are staying home during the COVID-19 crisis. Your mind is as critical to your well-being as your body and you must be good t...