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Great Reads for Good Food

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Good News for SNAP Recipients; States Extend Benefits

During the height of the COVID pandemic, America spent more money on the federal level than it has at any other point in its history. This was a bipartisan spending spree too; it wasn't a Republican or Democrat thing. Bo...

Payment Dates for December SNAP Benefits Announced: Stay Updated

As the end of the year approaches, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has released the payment dates for December's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. This information is cruci...

Guidelines To The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Program

The Food and Nutrition Act of 1985 created the Supplemental Nutrients Assistance Program (SNAP). AFDC, or Aid to Families with Dependent Children, was an entitlement program that gave cash welfare paym...

Lottery Winners Shouldn't Get Food Stamps

Hitting the jackpot in the lottery can be life changing. The influx of millions of dollars provides opportunities that most people can only dream of. However, some big winners continue collecting food stamps, costing taxpayers ...

9 Food Subscription Boxes That You Can Get for Free

Food subscription services seem to be everywhere. Unfortunately, only a few of these services offer free trials. Before you sign up for a service, you want to find out if it is good or not. The following options allow you to...

Struggling to Remember to Take Medication Each Day? Follow These Proven Tips

Despite the best of intentions, many people forget to take their medication as prescribed. When life gets busy, it is easy to let these tasks slip your mind. Unfortunately, forgetting to take impor...

7 Reasons to Ditch Processed Foods for Good

Regarding the modern diet, processed foods may be easy, but they have many potential health drawbacks. High amounts of salt and sugar can take their toll on your body over time. The same case applies to chemicals and trans fats,...

Helpful Tips for Eating Healthy on a Food Stamp Budget

Healthy eating can be challenging for anyone, but it can seem impossible when you're on a tight budget. If you're living on food stamps or need to make your money stretch further, it might feel like there are no...

Tips for Quick Weight Loss Without Any Sacrifices

Many people turn to crash diets or quick fixes to lose weight, but these methods often require you to make big sacrifices, like eliminating entire food groups or spending long hours at the gym. Others take it too far by sk...