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Great Reads for Good Food

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Many people do not understand the importance of health and wellness. Therefore, they take these issues lightly until they fall sick and they realize t...

Let a bottle of Water Be Your First Drink When You Wake Up A bottle of water in the morning will improve your health sig...

Waking Up in the Middle of the Night? How to Fall Back Asleep Quickly

While many people do not have issues falling asleep, staying that way may be a big problem. There are few things more frustrating than waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back ...

7 Wellness Activities to Try This Spring

On March 3, Illinois State University sent a message welcoming spring and inviting its community to partake in some fun activities that promote wellness. After being cooped up for the winter, most people are ready to get out of the ho...

Are Mandatory Wellness Checks the Future?

There are essentially two schools of thought when it comes to the novel coronavirus pandemic Covid-19. The first is that it's just a strain of the flu, a virus that is a problem yet has a 99.8% survival rate, and so there's no need ...

Struggling with a Weight Loss Plateau? Here is How You Can Break Through

Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight has likely experienced the dreaded plateau. While the weight generally comes off easy during the first few weeks of the effort, this progress eventually stalls ...

How to Manage Anxiety After Social Distancing for a Year

After nearly 18 months of social distancing, people are finally feeling more comfortable leaving their homes and joining their friends and extended family members. People are also doing more activities in person, such ...

Lessons on Mental Health From the Tokyo 2020 Olympics

Though the Tokyo 2020 Olympics were postponed to 2021, the intensity and scope of the event hasn't changed. What has changed is how the athletes and coaches are handling the stress of the event. The combination of the ong...

10 Truths About the COVID-19 Pandemic That Are Paramount to Your Health

Dr. Tom Frieden took center stage on Wednesday when he testified in front of the House Appropriations Committee. As the former director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Friede...

How to Proceed With the Summer of COVID-19 According to the CDC

The Centers for Disease for Control and Prevention (CDC) have released a guidebook on how to enjoy a safe and healthy summer amidst the COVID-19 global pandemic. On Friday, the CDC released these guidelines to ...